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Menopausing by Davina McCall and Dr Naomi Potter

How can you not love a book where the first chapter is called ‘F*** Off! Where are my keys?’

And if that chapter title doesn’t speak to you, it’s probably because you aren’t the target audience…

Awareness of issues of the menopause and perimenopause has been massively brought to the fore in recent years, in large part thanks to amazing women like Mariella Frostrup and Davina McCall who are willing to use their platform to speak out on behalf of the thousands of women struggling through this common yet oft hushed-up experience.

I picked up this book after months of feeling just ‘not right’. Irritability, exhaustion, brain fog, unexplained aches and pains, dry eyes, peeling eyelids…yes, you read that right, peeling eyelids! The symptoms you know about, the ones you’ve put down to anything and everything apart from perimenopause, and the many, many you have now idea about: all are explained and explored in this essential guide to ‘that time of life’.

Mixing Davina’s personal experience with real life stories from woman across the country, scientific explanation and practical advice on everything from how to talk to your doctor to haircare during menopause, this book is your roadmap to understanding your body and what it’s going through. The aim: to not just survive, but to thrive - before, during and after menopause.

I listened to it on audiobook and cried twice before the end of the first chapter. I raced through the rest of it, happy in the realisation that I wasn’t the only one, and I wasn’t going mad.

The day after I finished… I went and bought a physical copy. While its main job – helping me understand and get help with perimenopause – was done, this structure and content of this book means its one you will want to go back to again and again.

Davina describes ‘Menopausing’ not as a book, but as a movement. It might seem a corny line, but it makes sense, and it’s a movement I’m happy to be part of.

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